Sunday, November 25, 2007

The best friends I've ever had.

I believe that I still hold the newest position at Tuesday Night. I've been hanging out with my new found wonderful-wonderful, (I intentionally typed and hyphenated "Wonderful-Wonderful) friends for about a month now. And I love them all to death. These are the kind of people you can spill your guts to, and they sit and listen, and when all the messy parts are shared they say, "let me hug you. I love you, and I'm glad you're my friend."
Last Tuesday Night I shared my first Take Away story. Don't worry, I'll post it here soon. I was freaking out the entire day, hoping that I wasn't sharing too much too fast. It turns out I wasn't. They let me cry and cried with me and when it was all over they hugged me and life moved on. And then they thanked me for sharing my story.
For the first time, I feel like I'm really home. I hung out with a few of these dear friends on Saturday night, and it was awesome. These are the kind of people I wish I had around all the time. The kind of people you wish you had miniatures of and could keep in your pocket do you could tell them whatever you were thinking at any moment of the day. They are not only unique, they are also incredibly generous, loving, and caring people. They are also hilarious. They are also a community of acceptance.
If you, dear reader, don't have this kind of friendship, I hope you find those people for yourself soon. Until then, we'll be hanging around on Tuesday nights.

Oh, and Curt, its really true that I don't play video games. I know I haven't played one for the last five years. It was pure luck that I kicked your butt Saturday night. Believe what you will, but its true.

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